Chinese Made Easy for Kids (2nd Edition) is designed for primary school children who are starting learning Chinese as a second/foreign language. This series has been sold to nearly 40 countries or regions around the world and has remained popular for more than 20 years.
The teaching of pinyin, characters, vocabulary and grammar follows the unique characteristics of the Chinese language system and the way how Chinese is learned. After completing the entire series, students can master more than 600 Chinese characters and over 30 basic sentence patterns.
- Teaching objective: To cultivate children's interest in learning Chinese from an early age and help them build a solid foundation of Chinese.
- Teaching system: A variety of teaching methods can be adopted, including the communicative approach and task-based language teaching, with a wealth of activities.
- Teaching support: Textbooks, workbooks, supplementary workbooks, teacher's books, picture cards, reading materials, electronic resources, etc.
Free audio recordings of new words, texts, rhymes and listening exercises are available for download.
轻松学汉语 (少儿版) (第二版) 是一套专门为 汉语作为第二语言/ 外语学习者编写的国际汉语教材,主要适合小学生使用。
学完本套教材后,学生可掌握500 多个汉字、800 多个词汇和30 多个基本句型。本套教材帮助学生奠定扎实的汉语基础,培养学生的汉语交际能力。
Topics Explore in This Series:
- Greeting
- Personal Introduction
- Numbers and Dates
- Countries and Languages
- Jobs and Work Places
- Transportation
- Colours and Clothes
- Daily Routines
- School Subjects and Facilities
- Parts of the Body and illness
- Everyday Articles and Stationery
- House and Rooms
- Articles In The House
- Animals
See how the readers works together with the Chinese Made Easy for Kids Textbook here: EASY CHINESE EASY READERS 轻松汉语轻松读