Yeah! Chinese! 是一套为汉语作为外语学习的幼儿园和 小学低年级儿童编写的国际汉语教材。生词安排参考YCT 词汇表,并对YCT 1-4 级重点词汇全面覆盖。
教学建议具体细致,教具丰富实用 每册均配有作者撰写的教学指导,为课堂教学实际操作提供具体建议;教材教具丰富实用,方便教师组织教学。
故事紧贴生活,内容精心设计 每册主题和故事内容都紧贴学生日常生活,让学生既能从生活中学习,又能 将所学用于生活。故事结尾设有「惊喜」,提高学生的学习兴趣。
课程根据IB PYP(国际文凭组织小学专案)六大跨学科探究主题而设置。
What is Yeah! Chinese!?
Yeah! Chinese! is a set of Chinese learning materials designed for students from Kindergarten to elementary school. Chinese characters for students to learn through the book are referred to YCT vocabulary list, fully covering the key vocabulary of YCT Levels 1-4.
With the story-based approach, the book will create a relaxing atmosphere
Pedagogy of Yeah! Chinese!:- Storytelling is a natural way for children to learn.
- Stories engage students of all ages, especially younger children.
- Storytelling allows the students to acquire the language in a fun and low-anxiety environment.
- Stories provide a meaningful context of the language.
- Use high frequency words in children's daily life.
- Varied repetition of the vocabulary and structures guarantees the language acquisition.
Integrating songs and actions into the lessons to maximize multiple intelligence.
Book Titles:
- School Life
- Family Life
- Animals
- Body Parts
- Food and Drinks
- Daily Routines
- Transportation and Travel
- Numbers
- Colors
- Leisure
- School Life II
- Family Life II
- Animals II
- Body Parts II
- Food
- Weather and Seasons
- Transportation and Travel II
- Numbers II
- Colors and Clothes
- Health and Growth
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