Amazing Chinese

Amazing Chinese

Amazing Chinese

Amazing Chinese

Amazing Chinese
Amazing Chinese
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EB Series
Amazing Chinese

Amazing Chinese 中文真棒

《中文真棒》是一套专为国际学校中文课程所设计的教材,旨在帮助母语非汉语的中学生奠定学习基础。全套教材共有六册,每册皆包含课本、练习本,教学指导手册及教学PPT。单元主轴或各课教学目标,参照IGCSE 教学大纲的主题范畴为主体框架,并采用IB 教学理念来编写内容,同时参酌部分AP 中文教学准则,希冀符合不同语言文化的教学型态。词汇及用语安排以HSK 的等级为编辑依据,亦参考部分TOCFL 的用词用语。


本书内容包括课文对话两大学习区块,并安排课文理解语言点练习对话练习听力练习汉字练习任务活动等六个语言练习的内容,另外视需要加入文化(Culture note) 及语言知识(Language note) 补充。而课前的学习目标与课末的你会了吗”(Checklist),则提供学生自我检核是否学会重要词汇及沟通内容。本书设计了大量且多样的课堂任务活动,透过两人或小组的互动学习,更能提升语言练习效果。 Challenge则提供差异化教学选择,可视学生状况弹性运用。


The "Amazing Chinese" series is a set of teaching materials specifically designed for a Chinese language course within international schools. The teaching materials aim to support and establish the learning foundations of secondary school students who are non-native Chinese speakers.


The series have six levels. Each level contains a textbook, a workbook and a teacher’s book. The IGCSE subject categories provide the main framework for each unit's main scheme or each lesson's learning objectives. The IB teaching philosophy is adopted when writing the contents, and some of the AP teaching criteria are considered to keep in line with the teaching styles of different language cultures. The vocabulary and sentences or sentence patterns are arranged and compiled based on the HSK levels, with some references from the TOCFL.


The teaching materials primarily merge the Chinese and Western language communicative patterns in the lesson text and learning activities. In the culture and social contact, traditional and modern behaviours and habits permeate through. The whole objective is to evoke international students' interest, love and effective mastering of the Chinese language.



如果您正在寻找 K-6华语初学者所设计的教材,我们也有.  We also have another set of Chinese textbooks for K-6 Chinese beginners.   Click here for more information

Amazing Chinese 中文真棒
Amazing Chinese 中文真棒
Amazing Chinese 中文真棒
Amazing Chinese 中文真棒
Amazing Chinese 中文真棒