Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13

Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13

Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13

Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13

Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13
Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13
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Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13

Yeah Chinese Series for Kids

Yeah! Chinese Big Book 13

南貞惠 Nini Nam

Series no.: 9789620440052
  • $23.50
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Pedagogy of Yeah! Chinese!:- Storytelling is a natural way for children to learn.
- Stories engage students of all ages, especially younger children.
- Storytelling allows the students to acquire the language in a fun and low-anxiety environment.
- Stories provide a meaningful context of the language.
- Use high frequency words in children's daily life.
- Varied repetition of the vocabulary and structures guarantees the language acquisition.
Integrating songs and actions into the lessons to maximize multiple intelligence.

