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Nexus International

Nexus International

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Nexus International
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EB Series
Nexus International

Nexus International

Please click on the respective Booklist to make your purchase:


Year 10 / 11          Year 12/13



Subject Title of Book Publisher Price Qty
Lang & Lit Chronicle of a Death Foretold (HL & SL) Vintage $23.80
Chinese 1st La 匠心: IGCSE 0509课本 (简体版) Ingenuity: IGCSE 0509 Chinese As A First Language Textbook Joint publish $55.70
Ch 2nd Lang Cambridge IGCSE Chinese as a Second Language, Paperback CUP $71.40
Lang & Lit Great Gatsby (HL & SL) Penguin $16.00
Man Foreign Cambridge IGCSE™ Mandarin Coursebook with Audio CDs (2), New Edition CUP $69.20
Lang & Lit Othello (HL & SL) CUP $16.90
French Cambridge Foreign IGCSE French Language Student Book, 3rd Edition Hodder $45.60
Lang & Lit Things Fall Apart (HL & SL) Penguin $22.25
French Cambridge Foreign IGCSE French Grammar Workbook, 2nd Edition Hodder $15.55
Lang & Lit The Reluctant Fundamentalist (HL only) Penguin $19.20
Spanish Cambridge IGCSE Spanish Student Book 3rd Edition Hodder $48.55
Lang & Lit The Handmaids Tale (HL Only) Vintage $18.30
Spanish Cambridge IGCSE Spanish Grammar Workbook 2nd Edition Hodder $14.90
Lang & Lit Persepolis (HL Only) Vintage $23.60
Spanish Cambridge IGCSE Spanish Vocabulary Workbook Hodder $14.85
Lang & Lit The Whale Rider (SL Only) Heinemann $23.40
Computer Scien Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science, 2nd Edition Hodder $48.55
English A Small Things Like These Faber $17.45
Computer Scien Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science Computer Systems Workbook Hodder $16.20
Chinese B Chinese B: Explorer 1 Coursebook Laureate Hall $50.00
Computer Scien Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science Algorithms, Programming and Logic Workbook Hodder $16.20
Chinese B Chinese B: Explorer 2 Coursebook Laureate Hall $50.00
D&T Cambridge IGCSE Design & Technology Student’s Book Collins $37.85
Chinese B Chinese B: Explorer 3 Coursebook (Recommended) Laureate Hall $50.00
Economics Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Economics Student Book Pearson $62.65
Chinese AB Ini iChinese Book 1 Cengage $51.50
Eng 1st Lang English First Language IGCSE Workbook, 2nd Edition Hodder $16.20
Chinese AB Ini iChinese Book 2 Cengage $51.50
English B English B for the IB Diploma Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $64.30
English Lit Of Mice and Men Penguin $17.00
English Litera Shakespeare: Macbeth Oxford $15.15
English B Whose Life Is It Anyway (HL Only) Dramatic $28.00
English Litera A View From The Bridge (*Please check with your teacher if you need this book) Penguin $16.95
French B IB French B Course Book Pack (Print Course Book & Enhanced Online Course Book) Oxford $102.70
French B A-Z For French B Elemi $42.85
English Litera An Inspector Calls (Please check with your English Teacher) Heinemann $17.40
English 2nd La Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Exam Preparation and Practice 2nd Edition Cambridge $44.70
French Ab Init Panorama francophone 1 Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $53.60
IELTS Mindset for IELTS with Updated Digital Pack Level 2 Student’s Book with Digital Pack Cambridge $103.50
French Ab Init Panorama francophone Workbook 1 CUP $16.10
French B A-Z For French ab Initio (Recommended) Elemi $42.85
Geography Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Geography Student Book Pearson $62.65
History Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) History of Russia and The Soviet Union, 1905-24 Student Book Pearson $34.65
Spanish B Mañana Workbook, 2nd Edition CUP $28.80
History Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) History Of A Divided Union: Civil Rights in the USA, 1945-1970 Student Book Pearson $34.65
Spanish B Mañana Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $85.30
Spanish B A-Z For Spanish B Elemi $42.85
History Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) A World Divided: Superpower Relations, 1943–72 Pearson $34.65
History Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) History: The Changing Role of International Organisations: the League and the UN, 1919–c2011 Pearson $34.65
Spanish Ab Ini Panorama hispanohablante 1 Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $60.80
Math (All) Casio fx-82ES Plus Casio Calculator Casio $23.00
Spanish Ab Ini Panorama Hispanohablante 1 Workbook CUP $19.00
Spanish Ab Ini A-Z For Spanish ab Initio (Recommended) Elemi $42.85
HPE Cambridge IGCSE Physical Education Student Book Collins $34.85
Geog IB Geography Coursebook Oxford $90.05
Geography Prisoners of Geography (HL only) (Recommended) Scribner $29.90
History Access to History for the IB Diploma: The Move to Global War Study and Revision Guide Hodder $38.85
History Access to History for the IB Diploma: Authoritarian States Study and Revision Guide Hodder $38.85
History Access to History for the IB Diploma: Causes and effects of 20th century wars Study and Revision Guide Hodder $38.85
History Access to History: Mao's China 1936–97 4th Edition (HL Only) Hodder $38.70
Psychology Psychology Course Companion (Physical Book) (Learner can choose either physical book or ebook) Oxford $71.00
Psychology Psychology Course Companion (EBook) (Learner can choose either physical book or ebook) Oxford $71.00
Comp Sci Core Computer Science: For the IB Diploma Program Express Pub $107.00
Comp Sci Advanced Computer Science: For the IB Diploma (HL Only) Express Pub $85.25
Computer Scien Computer Science Illuminated, 7th Edition (Recommended) Jones & B $164.00
TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator (Not the CAS model) Texas $203.00
Advanced Computer Science For the IB Diploma Express Pub $85.25