Year 12 & 13 Booklist

Year 12 & 13 Booklist

Year 12 & 13 Booklist

Year 12 & 13 Booklist

Year 12 & 13 Booklist
Year 12 & 13 Booklist
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EB Series
Year 12 & 13 Booklist

Year 12 & 13 Booklist

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If you need the book urgently, you may walk in to our retail store during our operating hours and date to make your purchase.

 Cut Off Date for Online Order  Collection Date at Nexus Library
 22 Sept  27 Sept
 20 Oct  25 Oct
 3 Nov  8 Nov
 17 Nov  22 Nov


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These are the options for delivery / collection:

  1. Self Collection - Nexus International School  (Date and time to be confirmed)
  2. Self Collection @ our retail store 
  3. Home delivery (additional cost – $10.00)  We will do partial delivery of the available titles, you may expect more than 1 delivery.


Subject Title of Book Publisher Price Qty
Lang & Lit Chronicle of a Death Foretold (HL & SL) Vintage $23.80
Lang & Lit Great Gatsby (HL & SL) Penguin $16.00
Lang & Lit Othello (HL & SL) CUP $16.90
Lang & Lit Things Fall Apart (HL & SL) Penguin $22.25
Lang & Lit The Reluctant Fundamentalist (HL only) Penguin $19.20
Lang & Lit The Handmaids Tale (HL Only) Vintage $18.30
Lang & Lit Persepolis (HL Only) Vintage $23.60
Lang & Lit The Whale Rider (SL Only) Heinemann $23.40
English A Small Things Like These Faber $17.45
Chinese B Chinese B: Explorer 1 Coursebook Laureate Hall $50.00
Chinese B Chinese B: Explorer 2 Coursebook Laureate Hall $50.00
Chinese B Chinese B: Explorer 3 Coursebook (Recommended) Laureate Hall $50.00
Chinese AB Ini iChinese Book 1 Cengage $51.50
Chinese AB Ini iChinese Book 2 Cengage $51.50
English B English B for the IB Diploma Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $64.30
English B Whose Life Is It Anyway (HL Only) Dramatic $28.00
French B IB French B Course Book Pack (Print Course Book & Enhanced Online Course Book) Oxford $102.70
French B A-Z For French B Elemi $42.85
French Ab Init Panorama francophone 1 Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $53.60
French Ab Init Panorama francophone Workbook 1 CUP $16.10
French B A-Z For French ab Initio (Recommended) Elemi $42.85
Spanish B Mañana Workbook, 2nd Edition CUP $28.80
Spanish B Mañana Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $85.30
Spanish B A-Z For Spanish B Elemi $42.85
Spanish Ab Ini Panorama hispanohablante 1 Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) CUP $60.80
Spanish Ab Ini Panorama Hispanohablante 1 Workbook CUP $19.00
Spanish Ab Ini A-Z For Spanish ab Initio (Recommended) Elemi $42.85
Geog IB Geography Coursebook Oxford $90.05
Geography Prisoners of Geography (HL only) (Recommended) Scribner $29.90
History Access to History for the IB Diploma: The Move to Global War Study and Revision Guide Hodder $38.85
History Access to History for the IB Diploma: Authoritarian States Study and Revision Guide Hodder $38.85
History Access to History for the IB Diploma: Causes and effects of 20th century wars Study and Revision Guide Hodder $38.85
History Access to History: Mao's China 1936–97 4th Edition (HL Only) Hodder $38.70
Psychology Psychology Course Companion (Physical Book) (Learner can choose either physical book or ebook) Oxford $71.00
Psychology Psychology Course Companion (EBook) (Learner can choose either physical book or ebook) Oxford $71.00
Comp Sci Core Computer Science: For the IB Diploma Program Express Pub $107.00
Comp Sci Advanced Computer Science: For the IB Diploma (HL Only) Express Pub $85.25
Computer Scien Computer Science Illuminated, 7th Edition (Recommended) Jones & B $164.00
TI-Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator (Not the CAS model) Texas $203.00
Advanced Computer Science For the IB Diploma Express Pub $85.25