IBDP中文A文学课程短篇评论写作30课》(上册: 研习篇) (简体版) IBDP Chinese A Literature Course Commentary Writing Skills and Practice Book 1
Series no.: 9789620443343- $35.10
本书专为中学生文学作品短篇评论写作的学习而编写,分为上册研习和下册赏评篇。The book is designed for students learning IBDP Chinese A Literature Course Commentary Writing Skill and Practice with features as follows:
- 紧跟大纲,直应考试要求:本书的内容设计依循IBDP中文A文学课程试卷一的写作要求与评估标准,旨在构建学生的批判思维,提高学生的评论写作水平。Following the syllabus to meet test requirements. It meets writing requirements and assessment criteria of IBDP Chinese A Literature Course Paper 1.
- 取材全面,讲练紧密结合:本书以小说、散文、诗歌经典选文为赏评对象,通过“要点精讲”“研习切磋”“读写演练”来提高学生文学赏评的素养及能力。A wide range of learning materials with explanations and exercises. Chinese classic novels, proses, and poems are appreciated and commented in ways of Key Point explanation, Learning from Each Other, and Reading & Writing Exercises to develop literary appreciation.
- 随文点拨,方便师生学用:本书的练习部分设有“点拨”版块,旨在点明赏评要点,为师生提供学用思路,从而更好地明确教学和学习目标。Advice to teachers and students. Section of Giving an Advice is included in exercise parts, which shows strategies of how to learn and understand.
- 精选范文,提供赏评范例:本书提供20篇经典名作的导读及赏评样文,从不同的视角为学生提供赏析思路及评论写作范例,以满足学生阅读参考的实际需要。Selected works and commentary examples. 20 classic literary pieces with reading guidelines and commentary examples are provided to inspire ideas from different angles.
- 适用面广,内容选择灵活:本书可以有效帮助DP考生完成评论文写作考试,也特别适合准备升读DP课程的中学高年级学生使用。教师和考生可以根据实际需要灵活选择学习内容。Widely used with flexible content. It helps IBDP students develop commentary writing skills to pass the exam as well as senior secondary students who are going to start IBDP courses.