For home deliveries, please allow between 3-10 working days from date of order. For orders placed on 29 Dec onwards, your order may not be able to reach by 1 Jan 2025. You are encouraged to self collect at our store.
Our retail store operating hours are:
Monday-Wednesday, 11.00am - 4.00pm (Closed on 24 Dec and 30 Dec) Open on 31 Dec 11.00-3.00pm
Saturdays (9 Nov -28 Dec), 10.30am - 2.00pm
How to order:
- Add the number of copies you need by clicking +
- Click Add To Cart to add in your order.
- You can review your order on the top right hand corner
- Fill in your address (House No, Street Name and Unit No (if applicable))
- Choose your payment mode
- Choose your delivery mode
- Enter the student name
- Type 0 if you do not know the class